Jacob Nielsen

MSc Computer Science.


Odense, Denmark

I am a computer scientist from Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMADA) at the University of Southern Denmark, SDU. I am currently working as an ML/AI Engineer in an research and development department (R&D).


Jul 3, 2023 I published my small project for Vechicle Detection on the Great Belt Bridge using OpenCV here. This project was primarily a personal challenge aimed at testing my skills in the field of object detection without relying on deep learning techniques.
Jun 30, 2023 I published an interactive IEEE 754 32 Bit Single-Precision Floating Point Converter here. I hope someone will find this as a usefull pilar the learning about floating point representation.
Feb 1, 2023 Officially started on my master thesis “Object Detection and Tracking from a Drone Perspective with Transformers and fully CNN networks”.
Jan 1, 2022 Handed in my bachelor thesis ‘Microservice mission management module for linear infrastructure inspection’, supervised by Prof. Peter Schneider-Kamp and PhD. Stud. Lea Matlekovic. Graded With 12 on the danish scale (Equivalent ECTS mark: A)

selected publications

  1. BitNet b1.58 Reloaded: State-of-the-art Performance Also on Smaller Networks
    Jacob Nielsen, and Peter Schneider-Kamp
  2. Multiview Aerial Visual Recognition (MAVREC): Can Multi-view Improve Aerial Visual Perception?
    Aritra Dutta, Srijan Das, Jacob Nielsen, and 2 more authors